What activities does the Louvre offer that can be enjoyed from home?

March 18, 2020
There are many Louvre resources available online that can be enjoyed by all the family: cartoons, videos, podcasts, and more.
Go to www.louvre.fr/en or see what is happening on social media under the hashtags #LouvreChezVous et #MuseumFromHome

The Louvre masterpieces and palace

Check the Louvre’s Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for presentations of some of the greatest artworks and rooms in the museum (in French and English):

Instagram: #LouvreHistory on Wednesdays and #LouvreDetails on Fridays
Facebook: artwork of the week on Sundays

Twitter: #WorkOfTheDay in French at 7:30 a.m. and in English at 7 p.m. everyday

You can also find information on selected works at https://www.louvre.fr/en/selections/masterpieces

The ‘One minute in a museum’ children’s cartoon series explores some of the museum’s best-known works and is available on the Louvre’s YouTube channel (in French, English and Japanese): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02eh-p6hELI

A closer look at the Mona Lisa
Focus on the iconic artwork to understand what makes it unique (in French, English and Japanese) https://focus.louvre.fr/en/mona-lisa
If you have a VR headset, download the ‘Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass’ virtual reality experience to get up close and personal with this fascinating icon (in French, English, Spanish and Chinese):

For those who do not have a VR headset, a mobile version is also available (in French, English, Spanish and Chinese):

➡  App Store: http://bit.ly/JocondeVRApp

➡  Google Play Store: http://bit.ly/JocondeVRGoo


‘Advent of the Artist’ exhibition in the Petite Galerie
Visit the exhibition virtually and enjoy portraits by the likes of Dürer, Rembrandt and Delacroix: https://petitegalerie.louvre.fr/visite-virtuelle/saison5/



Contacts presse

Marion Benaiteau


+33 6 88 42 52 62